Globally, it is estimated that hydrogen could reach a quarter of final energy demand by 2050, creating 5.4 million jobs in a 95% decarbonised scenario. Road transport is a high-carbon sector of internal combustion engines and is already undergoing a major transformation. Tightening emission standards, the availability of clean renewable fuel and a sector in full transition all point to hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as the best sustainable solution for reducing emissions in the transport sector. As technology, large-scale production and supply progresses, the hope and hype around green hydrogen for decarbonising high-emission sectors will become more likely and predictable.

The year 2050 is still some way off, but the years ahead will be crucial in understanding how quickly hydrogen technologies can overcome the challenges, and turn hope into a tangible alternative to power the world economy. Hydrogen’s long life, light weight and fast charging characteristics make it ideal for long-distance cargo transport. In the perspective of the ecological transaction, the magnitude of potential annual consumption in industrial – steel – chemical – and other sectors will require in the near future a huge amount of HYDROGEN 5 times more than previously assumed with an equally exponential demand for electricity.

In addition to conversion, the development and diffusion of technologies for the production and distribution of hydrogen are at the basis of new policies at European and world level. ENERGYeti-CO2 ‘s technology allows it to be used to support energy-hungry technologies, i.e. those systems that require significant energy consumption to function properly.

Norway, refuelling stations for electric
cars Refuelling stations for hydrogen
Refuelling stations for hydro-methane
• Oils and Gases
• Waste Disposal & Recycling
• IT
• Defence
• Confidential 30
• Shipbuilding
• Transport
• Ports / Airports
• Paper Industry
• Railways
• Manufacturing
• Food Oil Production
• Deep Water ROV Powering (Remotely Operated Vehicles)
• Renewable Energy Supply and Storage
• Confidential 31
• Green Hydrogen Production
• Methane Production
• Synthetic Oils Production
• Waste Disposal
• Water Desalination

The European Community’s request is based on the need to reduce the high level of pollution in these areas, as well as the need to be able to supply both aircraft and ships with Green fuels (green hydrogen). It is clear that our GEA technology and the implementation of “Farm Wave Energy”, can be validly used in the outdoor marine areas this also in relation to similar conditions in Italy, airport and port of Genoa, Palermo, Pescara, Taranto, etc..

As described in the previous points, it is clear that by applying the technologies described so far and required for the breakdown of pollutants (first and foremost CO2), using GEA technology and the implemen-tation of “Farm Wave Energy” it is possible to supply islands, archipelagos of any size, as well as the coast and the hinterland with electricity.

Our technology not only makes it possible to electrify islands hundreds of kilometres from the coast (in the case of Chilean Easter Island, over 3,000 kilometres for provisions), but it will also be possible to use systems to produce GREEN fuels – GREEN HYDROGEN – GTL, and more on site, treat waste, and use systems to power means of transport. This is possible with our technology, which is not as invasive to the landscape as wind power (apart from the noise of the blades), and at the same time does not occupy land producing little energy as photovol-taics. In fact, one of the most important advantages is the almost total absence of visual impact of our systems, whose overall power can be simply increased by adding individual elements according to the de-sired increase.

The power generated is:
• Transmitted to shore via marine cable
• Accumulated in the Wave Energy Converter.
• Invented and engineered in Europe.

Absorption Group (Surface Buoy)

• Intrusion defence systems (RADAR)
• Centralised HVAC supply
• Oxygen production
• Confidential 32
• Greenhouse feeding
• Coastal Erosion Prevention /Restoration
• Feeding fish farms

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